[Video] KNOWN SUPPLY // A New Future For Fashion
June 25, 2021

They say a t-shirt is touched by a hundred pairs of human hands before it arrives to you… KNOWN SUPPLY exists to be a force for good within the fashion industry. Our purpose for existing is to provide safe & positive economic opportunities to the millions of people who…


A Cup of Gratitude (x 1,000)
April 12, 2021

“I discovered that my coffee would not be possible without hundreds of people I take for granted.” This was the realization AJ Jacobs had as he went on a quest to acknowledge and thank everyone who was responsible for allowing him to enjoy his morning cup…


[VIDEO] Words Matter: Celebrating The People Behind Our Clothing
February 24, 2021

Gratitude Is Powerful What does it mean to say “thank you”? More than the words themselves, saying “thank you” is an act of recognition, of acknowledgement. You are taking the time to SEE someone else and their contribution. We believe this simple act can be extremely…


January 29, 2021

What Does It Mean To Be KNOWN? For so many of us, we faced one of the most challenging years we’ve ever experienced. We were isolated, anxious, and frustrated but at the same time in a place of discovery — discovery of self and of our community. We…


A Different Kind Of Cyber Monday
November 30, 2020

100% of Sales Donated to Remake Every one of us have experienced unique & difficult challenges in 2020, but what has been clear about this global pandemic is the unequal burden being shared amongst people. In fact, much of the greatest challenges are being felt disproportionately by those in…


[VIDEO] Why Ethical Clothing Matters
July 23, 2020

How Your Purchases Empower So often when we hear the term “fair trade” we immediately think of “fair wages” and I would venture to say that is where most knowledge of ethical fashion ends. While wages are a critical aspect of making our clothing more “fair” for those…


Fair Trade Partner: Rajlakshmi Cotton Mills
July 3, 2020

Building Trust Through Transparency We are so proud of the close network of Fair Trade Certified partners that bring our apparel to life. Each one shares our value of using clothing as a mechanism to equip and empower makers through fair wages, benefits, and additional…


[VIDEO] THE NEW BREED – The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur
May 4, 2020

Anyone Else Looking For Some Inspiration? Positivity and optimism are not the same thing. Positivity in this current cultural moment would seek to paint a rosy picture of all the reasons why this global pandemic is a “good thing”, or at least aim to showcase all the silver linings…


Celebrating People This Cyber Monday
December 1, 2019

A Different Kind of Holiday Tradition This fall we traveled to India to visit with some of the fair trade partners who produce all of our apparel (view a recap post from the trip HERE). It was a special…


Unstuck Woman: Becca Mantei
October 24, 2019

We have teamed up with Unstuck Woman to highlight a few inspiring women in our local community who have chosen a path less traveled, are pursuing their dreams and bringing many of us along for the ride. We will be hosting an event at our HQ…