ONLY HUMAN No. 002: Ava Michelle & her #SELFLOVECLUB
October 2, 2019

A Message for Yourself Ava Michelle has lived her life in the public eye, yet she never really fit the existing molds society like to assign. People told her that she was too tall to dance, too much of a dancer to sing, and not well-trained enough to act.


Let’s Break Up with Fast Fashion
January 23, 2019

It’s 2019. It’s time. As we step into a new year, we are all asking ourselves what changes we want to make and how our actions can positively shape the world around us. By changing our personal fashion choices we have the ability to create a better world for…


TEDx Talk: “The Power of Knowing Who Made Your Clothes”
November 5, 2018

Our Idea Worth Spreading We are living amidst one of the greatest humanitarian crises our world has ever known. Our lack of humanity — the inability to see and recognize fellow humans — is damaging our planet and its people in a serious way. Few industries embody this disconnection…


Limited Edition: LOVE Somebody by FRENSHIP
February 13, 2018

A timely message… LOVE Somebody. We’ve teamed up with our good friends who make GREAT music to release a limited edition t-shirt that celebrates the launch of their latest single — “LOVE Somebody” — and their subsequent nationwide tour. Our history runs deep with the band. As teenagers, us…