You Nominate. We Give Away Custom Merchandise.
It’s hard to put into words what these past few weeks have meant to our nation and our world. The Black Lives Matter movement has reached unprecedented levels, the best seller lists are filled with books about racism, and so many of us are looking inward at our companies — and most importantly ourselves — as to how we can be actively anti-racist. And all this is taking place amidst the backdrop of an ongoing global pandemic.
2020 has confronted all of us with the stark realities of what it means to be HUMAN. It has both shown us the ways we are all “in this together”, and it has exposed the grave disparities in peoples’ experiences. We have come face-to-face with the ugly truths of disease and racism, yet we have seen so many ban together in opposition of these realities.
In every case, the question remains… but where will we go from here?
We are a brand that has been built upon a strong belief in action and pragmatic solutions. As we mentioned in this previous blog post, we are continuing to learn and think through how our brand can deliver more fully on its mission of “Celebrating those who make our clothes and those who wear them”, but that doesn’t stop us from acting now.
All profits from the sale of our graphic t-shirts this month will be donated to Black Lives Matter and NAACP Legal Defense Fund. We’ll also be matching customer donations that take place during checkout to these organizations as well.
In addition to that we are looking to put our merchandise where our mouth is as well. Similar to an initiative we ran to support small businesses being impacted by COVID-19 closures in March/April we are wanting to offer FREE custom merchandise specifically to black-owned small businesses. But we need your help.
Please nominate black-owned small businesses in the comments below — or on this instagram post — and we will select 4 businesses to win 50 FREE custom pieces of merchandise from our collection.
Lastly, we will be following the lead of our friends at Hella Creative in recognizing and celebrating Juneteenth — “a national celebration for restoration and freedom of Black America”. Learn more on their website hellajuneteenth.com and we will be sharing more this Friday, 6/19/20.
June 15, 2020
Scores sports bar in Minneapolis
June 15, 2020
North Menswear in Laguna Beach! 🤙
Trevor conduff
June 15, 2020
Black Coffee in Fort Worth Texas!
June 16, 2020
June 16, 2020
I nominate Kits Cubed, a black owned business that’s sole purpose is to give free hands on science kits to low income students.
June 16, 2020
Little Muffin Cakes
West Coast Dipes
Crunchy Boutique
Ale Germann
June 16, 2020
I nominate Hype Wellness and Avocurl both are owned by black women looking to create healthy options in life style practices and hair care!
June 16, 2020
Black Girls’ Breastfeeding Club is dedicated to providing culturally relevant breastfeeding information and resources to African American women.
www.blackgirlsbreastfeedingclub.com @blackgirlsbreastfeedingclub (IG)
Maria Egan
June 16, 2020
I nominate Transformative Culture Project, a Black led organization that harnesses the economic power of the arts for youth and community development. TCP provides training and paying jobs to Black kids in the video and media arts. https://www.tcproject.org/
Dennis Healy
June 16, 2020
Queen City Yoga in Burlington Vermont.
www.queencityyogavt.com | @queencitayoga
June 16, 2020
Lil' Ice Cream Dude's Cool World Ice Cream Shop in Athens, GA
June 16, 2020
AOSA Coffe in Hb
Lauren Carson
June 16, 2020
Black Girls Smile Inc. mental health nonprofit focusing on mental health of young black women
Amy Gillan
June 16, 2020
Brain Lair Books, dedicated to developing empathy and building a community centered around the discussion of inclusive books. (South Bend, IN.)
Gracyn Preston
June 17, 2020
tmproductions in nashville!! my queen Tosha runs the place and is an amazing dance teacher (and is definitely the reason I have any talent at all)! she works so hard and truly cares about her students!
Nicole Smith
June 17, 2020
Spoil Me Rotten Dog Biscuit Co. — DC’s only black owned dog treat company! We’re on a mission to spoil dogs the healthy way.
Nate Stone
June 18, 2020
Conscious Eatery in Seattle — they donate a meal for every meal purchased
June 18, 2020
@daretopaint_ on Instagram!
Natalie Angulo
July 16, 2020
Amazing Taste in South Bound Brook, NJ!!!!
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